Assisi Hospice

Assisi Hospice Gears Up For Move To New Home

Work is currently underway in Assisi Hospice to move its services to its new premise on 10 January.

Located at 832 Thomson Road, the new hospice will meet the growing need for palliative services and better equip healthcare professionals and caregivers with skills and knowledge to support patients and families. Supported and funded by MOH, the new premises, which is just next to the current site, will increase its capacity on all fronts to serve more patients who need day care, home care and inpatient services.

The home care team has been expanding its team of nurses to meet the growing demand for palliative home care services which is also spurred by the hospice’s intent to offer palliative dementia care. It will double the number of patients it sees when it relocates.

Assisi Hospice will develop new areas of care with specialised wards dedicated to caring for palliative dementia and paediatric patients. A first of its kind in Singapore, the wards will have adjoining facilities such as a Sensory Garden, a children’s playroom and a playground.

Built with a home-like environment with common spaces to promote patient interaction and family bonding, other facilities within the six-storey building include a Day Care Centre, six inpatient wards, dining halls, a roof terrace and a chapel.

First to catch a glimpse and experience the new facilities will be the inpatients who have been looking forward to their new home. They will be ferried in ambulance or wheelchair after breakfast and be in time for lunch at the new premise, where care from the clinical team will continue. The rest of the day will see the medical, nursing and allied health teams relocating to the new building. No effort is spared in Assisi Hospice’s ongoing journey to support the increasing needs of patients and families. Ms Choo Shiu Ling, Chief Executive Officer said: “For the team at Assisi Hospice, we believe that everyone matters and every moment counts. It is a privilege to have this opportunity to serve more patients and families with the support of the community around us. Our patients would
have lived lives in contribution to the community in their own diverse ways, it is good and right that
we then take care of them and their loved ones in the final journey of life.”

Mr Mok Kim Cheong, an inpatient with metastatic liver cancer looks forward to the new facilities. The 64 year-old said: “Having a single room that comes with an ensuite bathroom would certainly offer greater privacy and personal space for me to continue with my daily routine. The dining hall where kitchen amenities are also available will enable me to spend better quality time with my mother and I certainly look forward to having meals with her there. Taking walks in the Sensory Garden which is warm and inviting will be a respite for me and I want to get well enough for visits to the garden.”

Assisi Hospice provides palliative care for patients and families that preserves their dignity and quality of life. Patients of any race, faith and financial position are cared for by our team of specialist doctors, nurses, allied health and pastoral care professionals. When faced with life limiting illnesses, our patients receive medical care, as well as psychosocial, emotional and spiritual care.

Assisi Hospice provides care for patients across the continuum of Home Care, Inpatient and Day Care. This allows patients and family members to journey with a clinical team they are familiar with, and to receive care in the way that they need.

In January 2017, we moved to our new six-storey purpose built hospice which has a homely ambience, and is designed to provide a lot of natural light and contact with nature. With the many cosy, quiet spaces and comfortable furnishing, we hope to provide comfort and dignity for patients and loved ones in a life-affirming space. With a doubled capacity for Home Care and Day Care, 85 Inpatient beds, new wards for Dementia Palliative Care and Paediatric Palliative care, a Sensory Garden, a Chapel and a Roof Terrace, we will serve more than 2,000 patients a year.

We are supported by donors, volunteers and corporate organisations who journey with us in our cause. Through meaningful engagements with them and providence, we are able to serve our community of patients and families with love and compassion.

For more information:
Veronica Lee
Manager, Communications
DID: 6347 6437

David Fong
Senior Executive, Communications
DID 6347 6259

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