Assisi Hospice

Who we are

Assisi Hospice provides palliative care for patients and families that preserves their dignity and quality of life.  Patients of any race, faith and financial position are cared for by our team of specialist doctors, nurses, psychosocial support professionals, allied health and pastoral care professionals. When faced with life limiting illnesses, our patients receive medical care, as well as psychosocial, emotional and spiritual care.  

We provide care for patients across the continuum of Home Care, Inpatient and Day Care. This allows patients and family members to journey with a clinical team they are familiar with, and to receive care in the way that they need. Our six-storey purpose-built hospice provides a homely ambience with cosy spaces for patients and their loved ones. With 80 Inpatient beds, a Day Care Centre and the outreach of our Home Care team, we serve about 3,200 patients a year. Our Bereavement Support team provides grief counselling to support bereaved loved ones in finding their way forward.  

Founded in 1969 by the Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood (FMDM), we are a charity supported by donors, volunteers and corporate organisations who journey with us in our cause.


To be the Leader and Centre of Excellence for Compassionate and Personalised Palliative Care.


The Assisi Hospice is a Catholic Charity providing compassionate, personalised and quality Palliative Care to adults and children with life limiting illnesses through our Inpatient, Home and Day Care services.

Our History

Assisi Hospice’s story began in Mount Alvernia Hospital, as a new wing the FMDM sisters built for chronically-ill patients. Opened in 1969, it was named Khoo Block, in memory of donor Mr Khoo Teck Puat’s father. In 1982, we were renamed Assisi Home (after the birthplace of St Francis of Assisi), and began to offer respite care.  Two years later, we expanded into palliative care for cancer patients. In 1992, the FMDM sisters established palliative care as a dedicated mission, and Assisi Home & Hospice was set up to this end.

As the community’s need for palliative care continued to grow, we moved into the Sisters’ convent which was refurbished into a 37-bed hospice. It was officially opened in April 1993 by the then President of Singapore, the late Mr Wee Kim Wee. Later that year, we discontinued the admission of long-term care patients, to focus on hospice care for terminally-ill cancer patients. In 2007, we were renamed Assisi Hospice, signifying our commitment to the mission to serve all who are suffering and in need of palliative care, regardless of their condition.

In 2011, we announced our plans to build a new, bigger and purpose-built space in view of the growing number of patients. The ground-breaking ceremony took place in July 2013 to commence the building of the new Assisi Hospice. 

Service Values


We accept our positions as servants to those who are in need of our care by providing a healing experience, in an environment that is comfortable, welcoming and assuring.

Reverence for Life

We cherish life and respond to all beings with respect and compassion, by enhancing and preserving the dignity of all beings throughout life, and at its natural cessation in death.


We rejoice in life and all the experiences that each day brings by sharing joyfulness with our patients, their families, and anyone in touch with the Hospice.


We employ our skills, opportunities and talents humbly in the service of our fellow beings by improving ourselves as individuals and as a team to serve others better.


We manage the resources and relationships that are entrusted upon us wisely, fairly and responsibly by allocating our resources to serve those most in need.

Assisi Hospice 5-Year Strategic Plan