Assisi Hospice

Corporate Partners

A sound, robust corporate social responsibility framework not only creates a positive image for your brand and but also helps your company become more attractive to employees who value workplaces with community-mindedness, sound ethics and offers their employees an opportunity to give back to the community.

Your company’s financial contributions ensure that patients continue to receive crucial services. You can make a meaningful impact to those in need in the community. Choose to support projects that align with your CSR objectives.

How Companies Can Help

  1. Adopt us for your corporate events.
  2. Support an Assisi Hospice signature event.
  3. Encourage staff-giving.
  4. Collaborate with Assisi to conduct education talks for staff.

Funds raised by corporate partners can go towards:

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship OpportunityAvailable Tiers
Sponsor-A-Day for service programmes with strategic outcomes$6K and above
Assisi Fun Day$10k and above
Assisi DinnerBetween $5k to $50k

Event sponsorship is a great way to gain greater public awareness of your work. Reach out through our newsletters, social media campaigns and events.

Make your corporate family day an outing to our Assisi Fun Day. Combine family fun with giving back to society!

Click here to get in touch with us!

Ground Up Staff-Led Engagements

Staff-Led Engagements bring your staff talents and resources behind causes they connect with. Companies can find this a meaningful approach to employee engagement; raising funds for a worthy cause and providing a platform for team bonding.

Factors to consider:

The discussion phase with Assisi Hospice may take 1-2 months or more, due to the consultative process involved. Your staff involvement will start from conceptualisation right through to execution of a project idea.

Examples of what your employees can do for our patients:

  • Organise internal fundraising events (eg: charity sale, car wash, hands-on fundraising by forming a committee and rallying their networks).
  • Register to “Pledge Your Birthday” for a good cause!

Share your ideas with us!