Assisi Hospice

Persevering Through Challenges

When he was a teenager, Vevendra s/o Roy Kader enjoyed his extra-curricular activities in school very much. He was in the National Cadet Corps and the experience spurred him to want to become a naval officer. However, barely after his O-levels, he was diagnosed with rectal cancer. He spent the next few years facing the fear of surgery and regular visits to the hospital. Though younger than many patients he met in the hospital, he did not hesitate to support other elderly cancer patients by providing encouragement and good cheer.

When Vevendra got better, he lived his life with a vigour. He took up the demanding job of a stockbroker and eventually pursued university studies at age of 30. He also dedicated time for the less fortunate by building homes for villagers in Hainan, China.

Upon graduating with a degree in behavioural management, Vevendra left the financial sector and started to work with special needs children in Australia. His experience with his illness at a youthful age made him a good empathetic communicator with the children and did well in his new role.

Just when Vevendra was settling down in Australia, he suffered a relapse in 2015. He had to end his employment to return to Singapore because the medical treatment in Australia was too costly.

Vevendra underwent two major surgeries to remove a part of his large intestines, leaving him to manage a stoma bag for the rest of his life. It was a very difficult time for Vevendra as he not only had to deal with his own illness, his beloved mother was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and succumbed to the disease in March 2016.

Vevendra’s requirement for care increased as he became weaker, prone to falls and needed regular changing of the stoma bag. As his symptoms worsened, he had to deal with poor appetite and insomnia. Because of his condition, he preferred to stay at home. In late 2016, he was referred to Assisi Hospice for home care support. Our Home Care Team visited him often, checking on his condition and helping him manage his symptoms, and ensuring that he had no infection which is a common issue for patients depending on stoma bag.

Despite his suffering, Vevendra continued to pursue a life that he wanted, and planned to return to school to do a Masters class. He lived his last few months in joy. He met up with all his loved ones and found peace with God.
A message Vevendra had for others is to never to give up and fight on. He had this simple quote from a godbrother to share: “It is not about being first in the race but about coming in first in the last race.”

In June 2017, Vevendra drifted quietly to sleep forever with his loved ones by his side.

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